The rice purity test is a moral test that has been regarded as knowledgeable and thrilling to play and answer! If you have been looking for a quality personality test that will give you a bit of definition about yourself and how pure or evil you are, then look nowhere else. 

The purity test we are going to give you all the details about is the answer for you! 

What Is A Purity Test? 

The rice purity test was first created by some Rice University students in Houston, USA. The students built this test as a way to not only make something of knowledge but also connect with the other students by getting to know who meets the same purity test score as them. 

The purpose of building the rice purity test game was to get the score of how morally good or bad you are by society’s set standards of pureness or impureness of character. Rice University is the original test maker, and since then, many purity tests have been created on the web by different websites and organizations on similar guidelines. 

However, you can still find the rice test on the university’s page link given on a browser web search with other alternatives. If you are an adult or especially a teenager who is looking to get the answer of how much you are on a morally right-driven pathway or not at this age when illicit or illegal acts are quite common to participate in, 

How To Play The Rice Purity Test?

To play this incredible and original purity test is quite easy to do as the test is available easily online. You can search from any internet browser device by the test name in your search bar, “rice purity test”. 

As you press/tap enter on the search button, you will get many rice tests in the search results, and you can choose whichever suits you best to play. If you are looking for the original rice test, then you can also find it on the Rice University rice purity test search. 

As you start the purity test game, you will need to press the “start” button to begin the quiz game. 

As the game starts, there is no strict time limitation to answer the purity test questions. You can take sufficient time to think and respond to questions. The test gives you a simple answer pattern of “Yes” or “No” to press and answer related to the question asked. 

Based on your answers to a number of yes or no questions on each type of moral question, the test will then, in the end, analyze decisions on a score and present you your scale percentage on the scale of pure to pure. 

What Is A Normal Rice Purity Test Score?

There are many discussions and questions relating to the Rice purity test score’s meaning and what each score defines about the person.  The test is based on a societally morally upright score where it tests you with questions relating to legal acts, illegal acts, and participation in illicit acts like ’sexual acts or drug abuse. Based on your answers on how many acts you have performed truthfully or participated in, the rice purity test will give you a score. 

The average rice purity test score is between 70 and 80 amongst the teenagers and adults in the average population, as they have participated in sexual acts on the lighter side but not in illegal acts a lot. 

However, many adults can get a purity test score in the range of 60 as an average as well due to the fact that they are older and have more experience or events of participation compared to the younger population’s test scores. 

Last Word

We hope you now know the major details about how you can use this incredible rice purity test to get to know about yourself and where you lie on the morally upright or wrong side of life.

This test can become your moral disciplining guide as well as a way to find out your personality!