With the online world of marketing flourishing to combine the major players in every field, whether fashion, arts, science or other fields, to reach the right audience online, some take advantage of this trust intentionally and unintentionally. 

Today, we are going to disclose the company drive social media lawsuit and how this lawsuit incident affected the online marketing service companies’ trust and integrity.

Major Details About The Drive Social Media Lawsuit 

The most important factor that plays in the contracts for businesses with online services is integrity.  Suppose this is not exercised by the service company online. In that case, it makes or fails the business client’s crucial sales and returns over that period, which can lead to disastrous outcomes for businesses that are still in their starting stages. 

The perfect case for such a scenario is the real life incidence of the digital marketing service company Drive Social Media, which claims to provide marketing services of all kinds, including ads and other ways online to market any company or business. However, Drive social media lawsuit incidents rose like fire all over the internet in the domain of digital marketing services. 

The drive social media lawsuit became a popular search as many of the online Digital marketing companies‘ service users claimed the company to be not professional and authentic. Many startup businesses in their early stages who desire the right audience reach use online service companies like Drive social media to gain followers and buyers from the service company’s exceptional marketing of their company or business.

However, in the case of the Drive Social Media Lawsuit, service users claimed that the company made a lawful contract with them for a standard amount of months with fees to be paid each month. But shockingly, in return for the contractual promise to the businesses for successful marketing all over social media like Facebook pages and Instagram, the service did not go up to par. As per their client’s claims, the company did not even make an effort to market the client companies to gain any audience and buyers. 

Instead, the clients of the Drive social media online marketers claimed that the service was not ethical and did not professionally handle marketing for the clients, leading them to not only suffer payments to the company in return but also no growth in the market. 

Drive Social Media Lawsuit On Clients

The ex-client of the company, the owner of the TNT Elite Credit, Thomas Bledsoe, reported to the news reporters about how choosing Drive social media was a complete fraud. 

He stated that the online service contracted with his company before any improvement or service results. However, Bledsoe agreed due to the heavy promises the service made to the company in return for payment with no serious agreement. 

The company soon realized its mistake as it did not gain any recognition and the right audience from the marketing done by the drive social media company. When his company was confirmed for four ad campaigns, the service did not gain anything over the period. 

So Bledsoe concluded on the decision to stop payments to end the contract; however, in a turn of events, the service company of Drive Social Media filed a lawsuit against TNT Elite Credit, its client, for breaking the contract. Even though the service is legally allowed to file a lawsuit easily against clients not fulfilling contract payments, that’s a huge disadvantage as the client company did not gain any return on their investment and did not see any improvements made by the service. 

This incident and many similar companies also faced identical fate as Drive social media lawsuits also made them suffer. Many of these companies signed contracts with deceptive services promising in-return marketing with no guarantees. This led to numerous allegations against the company where so many clients faced lawsuits and charges for discontinuing the service because of not gaining any value or recognition even after using the Drive social media contractual promise to market them successfully. 

Drive Social Media Lawsuit Reasons

Even though this online service company is supposedly allowed to file lawsuits against clients who break contracts after signing, the company did not fulfill the goals of the contract, either. 

The underlying reasons should be learned about why the contracted clients made so many allegations against the digital marketing service on the web. Not only did the service make the new and slow businesses suffer the financial burden of payments, but they also filed lawsuits, giving them more burden of breach damages. 

Now, the drive social media service, no matter its advantage of lawsuit filing, has lost integrity and professional trust as the clients claimed no fulfillment of marketing promises in return, pushing them towards more loss as well as costly payments for no results of marketing in reality.

Consequence Of Drive Social Media Lawsuits

As an aftermath, the courts reportedly conducted a deep investigation over the online service’s previous record of lawsuits against clients. The investigations found shocking details and evidence against the service, as it has filed approximately 39 company lawsuits. 

This led to investigators finding out that the service company claims an amount of above $750,000 from business clients who broke contracts due to no growth or promise fulfillment by the company. 

However, due to the legal complications, the court decided not to rule against the service company. However, with the overpowering number of businesses claiming allegations against the service’s fraudulent ways is indeed something to consider before trusting digital marketing services online for marketing.