Suffering through a locked jaw, which is indeed a painful ordeal requiring immediate solutions for you to heal and recover your painful jaw? Feeling the rigid movements of the most crucial muscles that connect your face and mouth, the jaw getting locked is a rare incident; however, there are multiple causes as well as solutions that can fix your hurting jaw muscles in some quick hours! 

So, we are going to tell you all the homely and medically proven ways on how to fix a lock jaw immediately. Please read carefully and try all the possible solutions from our top-reviewed ones, including both home cures and clinically suggested ways! 

What Are Lock jaw & Its Symptoms? 

Before we delve into how to fix a lock immediately, it is crucial to understand how a lock jaw condition can be recognized and what its signs are you can identify to fully be able to confirm a lock jaw condition. 

So, the jaw plays an important conjunction and movement point for our mouth movements. However, it is a delicate bone structure that, if accidentally or forcefully hit to dislocation or wrong movement force, can completely block the jaw muscles. This blocking of the jaw can be called a lock jaw condition, which can stay for a temporary time and can stay persistent if not treated correctly.

Lock jaw is undoubtedly a painful ordeal that can happen to anyone as it is a dislocation of any of the jaw muscles that will prevent the jaw and, ultimately, the mouth from moving. However, thankfully, this condition has been suffered by many and is preventable if reacted quickly. The best-recommended way is to visit a doctor as soon as possible who can better diagnose whether it is serious or not. Sometimes, there can be a much worse underlying situation like a fracture or bone dislocation that cannot simply be left to fix on its own at home, as caution is necessary! 

How To Cure Lock jaw Naturally?

If you or your loved one are going through a lock jaw ordeal and you wish to use and take natural ways to fix hurting a stuck jaw, then you can definitely try some proven natural ways to fix lock jaw. 

Proven Ways To Fix Lock jaw:

Warm Cloth Compress

One of the best natural ways to untighten your locked jaw muscles is to use a heated warm cloth or compressor to compress against those locked muscles. This way, the warm compress will not only relax the tight muscles of the jaw but also reduce the spasming pain you might be suffering due to the mouth’s tight movement. 

You can do the compress as many times in the day as you feel like, as it has no harmful effects or limitations. It is indeed one of the best naturally soothing ways to correct a hurting lock jaw! 

Cold Cloth Compress

Opposite to the warm compress method, the cold compress acts as an excellent way to numb down the spasming jaw muscle. One of the biggest issues of a lock jaw is the pain that you suffer not only in the jaw muscles but can extend to the whole mouth area due to blockage of movement, as one wrong movement of the mouth can sometimes send a sharp shooting pain to the tender sensitive muscles of the jaw and mouth! 

So, this pain can already become a hindrance in curing lock jaw and movement, hence why it is suggested to make a cold compress or use ice cubes in a cloth bundle and place it on the paining jaw. This technique is a natural way to help fix locked jaws by numbing the painful jaw muscles

Jaw Stretching Movement Exercise

This is one of the most crucial ways on how to fix lock jaw immediately, as no matter if you are following a medicinal method to cure the jaw, you need to perform movement exercises to loosen the locked jaw muscles. 

You need to perform jaw mouth stretches at least thrice per day, starting with gently stretching till you feel it and then slowly increasing the stretches to loosen the locked jaw. This way, your muscles will be able to come to the right locations, and movement will become normal again. 

However, if you feel that your muscles are not allowing you to stretch even a little bit after a few days, you need to immediately visit a doctor for further treatment and cure as it could be a serious jaw problem. 

Massage Jaw Muscles 

This is another crucial way  on how to fix the lock jaw immediately. The core issue of a locked jaw is the lack of movement and stuck jaw muscles. So, to cure that, you need to practice massaging the jaw muscles in gentle movements by hand to put the jaw joint muscles in place to release the tension and break lock jaw condition. 

Lock jaw is a symptom of stiff jaw joints, so to loosen the stress over these muscles, it is highly recommended to massage at least twice per day gently to increase movement. 

However, it is crucial to remember that these methods may take some time to solve a more complex lock jaw. So, if you still wish to know how to fix a lock jaw immediately without much time invested, then you can also see the ways below! 

How To Fix Lock Jaw Permanently? 

Sometimes, the lock jaw condition can become pervasive and out of hand as it restricts movement for a long time, even after using all the recommended methods. When nothing works on your own, then you have to visit the doctor to fix the lock jaw permanently. 

As doctors know the prescribed ways to cure a locked jaw immediately without being in mystery for days. Some of the common methods doctors prescribe for locked jaws are anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as Ibuprofen medicine, which will work on killing the pain and letting you practice muscle movement to fix the locked jaw. 

A physiotherapist can also be consulted as they will use the nerve stimulation technique to stimulate the locked muscles to move. 

In extreme cases, botox treatment for locked jaw cure may also be used by a doctor as the per month injection will help prevent the jaw from a static fix position and relax the jaw muscles to contract and relax for movement! 

Last Word

We hope the above methods are of great help to you as these are recommended answers on how to fix a lock jaw immediately, depending on your condition and accessibility!  

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